What is 'Special Order'?
If the item is 'Special Order' - it is marked on the product page. 'Special Order' is not stocked in the USA and has to be ordered from overseas, that is why the process takes up to 12 weeks.
Step by Step 'Special Order' Process:
- Order Placed/Confirmed with Supplier (2-7 days);
- Order in Production (3-6 weeks);
- Order in transit to the US (3-4 weeks);
- Order passes customs of the US (1-2 weeks);
- The order released from the customs / Unloads at the warehouse and becomes available for the delivery (2-5 days);
During this period, we typically do not send any updates, but if there is any additional information become available from the manufacturer we will send it to you.
We will notify you and ship your order once it becomes available